четверг, 30 августа 2007 г.

Honda Civic Hybrid Named Eurozone’s Greenest Machine

The Verkehrsclub Deutschland (VCD) is a German environmental organization that advises corporations, lobbies governments and generally represents for Mother Earth. And just for fun, each year the VCD names the Eurozone's most "environmentally-compatible" car. For the second year in a row, the 68K member pressure group has bestowed that honor upon the European Honda Civic Hybrid. The Toyota Prius scooped second. The Temple of VTEC (we are not worthy) reports that The Civic and Prius were the only compact cars to make the VCD's Top 10; the remaining eight were mini and super-minis. The diminutive VW Polo BlueMotion was the only diesel-powered motor to make the grade. Oh, and if you haven't tried Google's translation service, we highly recommend you click on the first link above for further insight into VCD's goals (e.g. "We approach the vision of a lasting and futurable mobility only with the help of many particulars.").   
The Temple of VTEC »

Source: http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/?p=5017

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